Belkyra Double Chin Treatment

Does your sagging chin profile make you self-conscious and affects your confidence? Are you looking for a suitable, less invasive double chin treatment?

Maidstone Dental & Implant Centre are proud to be offering suitable patients after a detailed assessment, Belkyra- double chin treatment to drastically reduce excess fat in the chin area.

Belkyra is an innovative cosmetic injectable containing the active substance deoxycholic acid. Deoxycholic acid is produced naturally in your body to aid in the digestion of fats.

The medicine is used in adults for the treatment of submental fat (unwanted fat under the chin) when its presence has an important psychological impact for the patient.

Belkyra contains a non-human, non-animal version of deoxycholic acid which is identical to naturally occurring deoxycholic acid.

Belkyra treatment may be suitable for you if you are unhappy, self-conscious or embarrassed about fat under the chin area, which is also known as submental fullness. Also if you feel you look older with your sagging chin and don’t want to undergo surgery this may be a suitable treatment for you. In addition if you eat healthily and exercise well but your double chin does not go away, you could consider Belkyra as a treatment option.

Belkyra is a prescription only treatment administered after a full detailed assessment by our trained professionals here at Maidstone Dental and Implant Centre.

Double Chin Treatment
Belkyra Double Chin Treatment

Courtesy of KYBELLA®