Things you do every day without thinking could be having a harmful effect on your teeth. In this article we look at 5 habits which over time can cause damage to your oral health.
Fizzy drinks & acidic food
Always got a fizzy drink to hand and love citrus fruits such as oranges and lemons? The high level of acidity in these food and drink will wear away your tooth enamel over time. This is known as acid erosion. Acidic food and drinks should wherever possible be limited to mealtimes as this will prevent your teeth from having to deal with large numbers of acid attacks throughout the day.
Your teeth are not a tool
How many times have you used your teeth to tear Sellotape, open a packet or remove clothing tags when you could not find the scissors? Your teeth are designed to chew food, to help you talk and fill out your face and cheeks. Using your teeth as a tool over time can lead to your teeth chipping or breaking and can damage your existing dental work. Those extra few minutes needed to find the scissors, could save you from expensive restorative dental work.
Jaw clenching tooth grinding
Clenching and grinding of your teeth can often happen during times of stress, often unconsciously, and while you are asleep at night. At your regular check up your dentist will be able to assess your teeth and notice the early signs of grinding or clenching. Clenching and grinding puts a great deal of pressure on your teeth and over time you may notice that your teeth begin to fracture or chip as they are worn down. You may also notice that your teeth become more sensitive. Your dentist will be able to advise you on the best course of treatment, this may involve wearing a bite guard at night, building up teeth using filling material to help strengthen them or in severe cases you may need referral to a specialist. Identifying the cause of any stress can also help to remove the cause of any clenching or grinding.
Brushing too hard
You should be brushing your teeth twice a day using a fluoride toothpaste as part of your oral hygiene routine. Ideally you should ensure that you wait at least an hour following eating as this helps to ensure that you do not brush away the enamel which softens when you eat and drink. It is also important to ensure that you are not brushing your teeth too vigorously as this could cause further damage to your teeth and gums. In the long term, brushing too hard can lead to sensitivity and even cavities. Dentists recommend that you brush your teeth using a soft bristled manual brush or an electric toothbrush to ensure that you do not cause wear to your teeth.
Nail biting
Nail biting can affect the appearance of your hands and in the long term can also damage your teeth. The regular biting of your nails can lead to teeth becoming cracked or splintered. Overtime biting your nails can also affect your bite as your teeth may shift or move.
All habits can take time and perseverance to quit but in the long-term quitting any one habit can help to improve your oral health dramatically and reduce the need for restorative dental treatment.
You dentist will be able to see the effects of these habits when you attend for your check up so if you have any concerns do not hesitate to speak to the dental team at your next appointment at Maidstone Dental & Implant Centre. Call today on 01622 682 029 to book an appointment.