We are all advised that good oral hygiene is essential to keep our teeth healthy. It is important to ensure that you brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes using a fluoride toothpaste. Using a toothbrush regularly helps to remove plaque and bacteria which if left can lead to gum disease and tooth decay.
Over the past few years, the number of toothbrushes available has increased dramatically and it is very easy to become overwhelmed by the vast array now available in the supermarkets and pharmacies. So which toothbrush is best?
In this blog, we will look at some key characteristics you should consider when next buying a toothbrush.
Choose a toothbrush with a head small enough to reach all areas of your mouth and that will be able to clean hard to reach areas such as the sides and backs of your molars. The toothbrush should have a long enough handle so you can hold it comfortably in your hand.
Bristle Variety
Look for a toothbrush with soft to medium bristles. If you pick a brush with hard bristles it is very easy to cause damage to your teeth and gums by over brushing. In the long term, this could lead to toothbrush abrasion, this is where the enamel becomes worn away over time due to over vigorous brushing. Once the enamel is worn away it cannot be replaced.
There have been a large number of studies that have look at the effectiveness of electric verses manual toothbrushes and no difference has been found. It does not matter whether you use an electric or a manual toothbrush the key is to use an effective brushing technique to remove plaque.
The most important factor when choosing a toothbrush is whether you are going to use it and use it well. Some people prefer the clean from a manual toothbrush, others feel that an electric toothbrush cleans better. If you are comfortable and enjoy using your toothbrush you are more likely to use it for the recommended length of time
No matter what type of toothbrush you choose you should ensure that you change it every three months or sooner if the bristles become worn or splayed to ensure that you can brush your teeth effectively.
If you are still unsure do not hesitate to ask the dentist or hygienist when you next attend for an appointment and they will be able to advise you on the best toothbrush to meet your needs. Call Maidstone Dental & Implant Centre on 01622 682 029 to book an appointment today.