Your teeth and you


Most of us do not really give our teeth a second thought, until something goes wrong! But we should, they play a vital role in our day to day lives, they help us chew and digest food, help us to speak clearly and can have a direct impact on our overall health.

By finding out a bit more about your pearly whites, you can take a positive step towards giving your teeth the attention they deserve.

Teeth-developmentTeeth Development

Everyone has two sets of teeth, baby teeth and then permanent teeth, which develop from around 6 months with some people’s wisdom teeth not surfacing until their twenties.

Teeth tend to erupt in parallel, which means that the top molar on your left side should appear at about the same time as your top molar on the right side. Tooth development starts in the second trimester of pregnancy although teeth will not become visible for several months.

The twenty baby teeth are normally in place by the age of three and will remain until around 6 years of age when they will fall out to make way for the permanent set of teeth. Most adults will have thirty-two permanent teeth.

Tooth-AnatomyBreakdown of the tooth

The tooth is divided into two main parts the crown, the part visible above the gum and the root which anchors the tooth below the gum.

The tooth is made up of four kinds of tissue, each of which does a different job

  • Enamel – the visible substance that covers the crown of the tooth. Harder than bone, enamel protects the tooth from decay.
  • Dentine – underneath the enamel is the dentine which is calcified and looks similar to bone. Dentine is not as strong as enamel so is at risk of decay should it become exposed.
  • Cementum – This tissue covers the tooth root and helps to anchor it into the bone. Cementum is a light-yellow colour and is normally covered by the gum.
  • Pulp – Pulp is found in the centre of the tooth and contains the blood vessels, nerves, and other soft tissues.

Types-of-teethTypes of Teeth

There are five distinct types of teeth, each had a slightly different shape and performs a different job.

  • Incisors – these are the teeth in the front and centre of your mouth, four on the top and four on the bottom. These are the teeth you use to take bites of your food.
  • Canines – you have four canines, and these are your sharpest teeth. They are used to rip and tear food apart.
  • Premolars – these are used for chewing and grinding your food. You have four premolars on each side of your mouth, two on the upper and two on the lower jaw.
  • Molars – these are also used for chewing and grinding food. These do not replace but come in behind your baby teeth.
  • Wisdom teeth – these are the last teeth to develop and typically do not erupt until age 18 to 20. Some people may never develop them.

Teeth-carryingCaring for your teeth

It is very important that you care for your teeth.

  • Brush your teeth twice a day using a fluoride toothpaste
  • Clean in between your teeth using inter-dental cleaning aids once a day
  • Attend for regular routine dental appointments
  • Eat a healthy diet

If you would like more help and advice on caring for your teeth, why not book an appointment with our hygienist who specialises in preventative dentistry and oral hygiene. Call Maidstone Dental & Implant Centre on 01622 682 029 and book a consultation today.

Stay hydrated this summer

Stay hydrated

With the warmer weather now upon us, it is important to ensure that you stay hydrated for your oral as well as your general health. In order for your mouth to work properly, it needs saliva. Saliva helps to ensure that your mouth remains moist, helps you to break down food and helps you to swallow. Saliva also helps to fight decay and keep your teeth clean. Without enough saliva, you can develop tooth decay and other infections in the mouth.

Everyone suffers from dry mouth now and again, but if you suffer with dry mouth all or most of the time, it can be uncomfortable and can lead to serious health problems.

Saliva helps to neutralise the acid that damages your teeth and is an important part of your dental health. Saliva helps to break down food while you are chewing, allowing you to swallow more easily. Saliva is also important in fighting tooth decay. It helps to fight the bacteria that form dental plaque and cause tooth decay and gum disease.

Having less saliva can also affect the taste of food and makes it harder to eat drier foods. Sometimes it can affect your speech and it makes people more likely to have bad breath.

dry mouthTreatment for dry mouth

There are several different treatments for dry mouth, and they will depend on what is causing the problem. Dry mouth can be caused as a side effect of medication, medical treatments, and some medical conditions.

  • If dry mouth is caused by medicine, your doctor may be able to adjust the dosage or offer an alternative
  • If your salivary glands are not working correctly, your dentist may give you medication to help improve the effectiveness of the glands
  • Your dentist may also be able to suggest an artificial saliva product to keep your mouth wet.

Bottle-of-waterThere are also some treatments you can complete at home to help reduce the effects of dry mouth

  • Keep a bottle of water or other sugar free drink handy and take regular sips
  • Avoid caffeine filled drinks
  • Chew sugar free gum or suck sugar free sweets to help stimulate saliva flow. Look out for those that contain xylitol as this can help to reduce the risk of developing cavities.
  • Quit Smoking
  • Reduce your alcohol consumption

If you would like further help and advice on the best treatment for dry mouth, do not hesitate to call Maidstone Dental & Implant Centre today on 01622 682 029 and book a consultation with a dentist.

Toptips to care for my brace

Toptips to care for my brace

When undergoing any teeth straightening procedure it is very important that you care for your braces to ensure that you do not develop gum disease or tooth decay which can affect the outcome of your treatment.

At Maidstone Dental & Implant Centre, we have produced our top tips to care for your brace, whether you have fixed or removable appliances.

Never Skip Brushing

It is important to ensure that you brush your teeth and brace following every meal, because food can easily become trapped and if left can lead to the development of gum disease and tooth decay. Gum disease is currently the leading cause of tooth loss in adults in the UK and could severely affect the outcome of any teeth straightening procedure. To ensure that you are never caught unprepared always carry a toothbrush and toothpaste in your bag.

Floss DailyFloss Daily

Flossing can help to remove those food particles missed by brushing alone. Gum disease and tooth decay can quickly develop where food particles are left trapped.

Avoid Fizzy Drinks

Fizzy drinks are often high in sugar and acidic. If teeth are not cleaned properly it can lead to tooth decay and enamel erosion whether you have fixed or removable braces.

Get Damage Repaired Quickly

If you notice any damage to your braces or aligners, be sure to book a repair appointment as soon as possible. This will ensure that your treatment can be continued as planned and will prevent your teeth from regressing back to their original position.

Do not Skip AppointmentsDo not Skip Appointments

If you consistently miss appointments, it can greatly increase the length of time you will need to wear you brace for and in the long term can hinder your desire to achieve a straighter smile.

If you would like to find out more about how teeth straightening can improve the appearance of your smile, call Maidstone Dental & Implant Centre on 01622 682 029 and book a consultation today.

X-rays and their importance in maintaining your dental health

X-rays and their importance in maintaining your dental health

X-rays also known as radiographs, are an essential part of any dental treatment plan. They are used to diagnose and prevent problems.

Use of X-rays

X-rays are used to detect decay under fillings or between teeth in areas that are not visible to the naked eye, as well as showing abscesses and infections in the roots of teeth. They also enable the dentist to determine the level and health of bone present in your jaw.

In children x-rays can show where their adult teeth will erupt or in adults can show where wisdom teeth are.

New PatientsNew Patients

If you are a new patient, unless you have had x-rays very recently, the dentist will recommend that x-rays are taken. This helps to assess the condition of your mouth and check for any hidden problems. After these x-rays are recommended every 9 to 24 months depending on various dental risk factors, including history of decay, age, and condition of your mouth.

Are x-rays dangerous?

The radiation received from a dental x-ray is incredibly small. With the constant advances in technology and the fact the dentist will only take x-rays when they are clinically necessary means that the risks from dental x-rays are very small.

Are x-rays dangerous?At Maidstone Dental & Implant Centre, we use digital imaging plates to take any dental x-rays required.

The main advantage of using digital imaging plates is that you, the Patient receives’ a much lower dose of radiation as the plates are extremely sensitive. The result is instant and can be seen immediately on our monitor in the surgery. This will make discussions about our findings much better as the image is much larger and easier to view than our original x-rays.


You should inform the dentist if you know or believe that you may be pregnant prior to any treatment. They will not take x-rays until after the baby is born unless they have no other alternatives.

REMEMBER Prevention is better than cure and that is why x-rays are used.

If you need more information or would like to discuss how dental x-rays are used during your dental treatment call Maidstone Dental & Implant Centre, today on 01622 682 029and book a consultation today.

Benefits of Straightening Your Teeth

Benefits of Straightening

Teeth straightening procedures can be used to improve the appearance of crowded, gapped, crooked teeth or a misaligned bite. No matter what your age, it is possible to have straight teeth and a smile you can be confident in.

These procedures are on the increase in Maidstone, Kent and Maidstone Dental & Implant Centre is probably the leading practice in providing these treatments.

There are a wide range of teeth straightening procedures and your experienced dentist at Maidstone Dental & Implant Centre will be able to advise you on the best one to meet your needs.

There are a number of benefits to straightening your teeth and these include:

Improved Confidence and Self EsteemImproved Confidence and Self Esteem

One of the main reasons that people look to straighten their teeth is to improve the appearance of their smile. Many people feel the need to hide their mouth with their hands when they smile and laugh, from the embarrassment of wondering what people will think if they see their teeth. Straightening your teeth can be a life changer, helping to improve your confidence and self-esteem, allowing you to achieve things you never thought were possible.

Healthy Gums

If your teeth are crooked or overcrowded, it can be difficult to properly clean them and remove food debris. When food debris is left between teeth, bacteria can thrive irritating your gums and if this is allowed to progress can result in gum disease and tooth decay. By straightening teeth your gums will fit more securely around teeth and you will be able to adopt a normal oral hygiene routine reducing the risk of gum disease and in the long-term tooth loss.

Improved biteImproved bite

Many people with incorrectly aligned teeth may suffer with problems such as difficulty speaking, chewing, problems with their jaw muscles and increased wear, chips and breaks in their tooth enamel. By straightening teeth and properly aligning the bite, it is possible to reduce discomfort and wear caused to your mouth and jaw.

Overall health

Overall healthYour teeth and gums can provide a clear picture of your overall health. If you are taking good care of your teeth and gums, you are probably also taking good care of the rest of you. Bacteria cause tooth decay and gum disease. If left untreated this can cause bleeding gums, bad breath, and possible tooth loss. Studies have shown that oral infections can also lead to more serious health conditions such as heart disease, stroke, pneumonia, and diabetes. By straightening your teeth, you will have a better chance of reducing oral infections and other potential health problems.

If you have any questions or would like to find out more about teeth straightening at Maidstone Dental & Implant Centre, do not hesitate to contact the surgery on 01622 682 029 and book a consultation to find out how we can help you achieve the smile of your dreams!

Interdental cleaning – why bother?

Interdental cleaning

Brushing alone only cleans 60% off tooth surface. Over time food and plaque can build up between teeth. This can result in gum disease and decay. This is why it is so important to use interdental cleaning aids to clean those areas that brushing alone misses.

There are a number of different options available, so you are sure to find one to suit your needs.

Interdental BrushesInterdental Brushes

These are little brushes which fit between the teeth. They come in different sizes and are colour coded depending on the size. They are quick and easy to use and very useful for removing plaque from back teeth and around fixed braces.


Floss can come in many forms: waxed floss, waxed dental tape, minted floss, fluoride coated floss. The type that is best for you depends on your dexterity, what types of restorations you have and what you prefer.


This type of floss is made of increments of soft tufts and standard floss. Super floss is ideal for cleaning around braces, bridges and between wide gaps.

Floss PicksFloss Picks

Floss picks are perfect for people with challenged dexterity or bigger sized hands. They are quick and easy to use, and also have tension control which allows the floss to surround the sides of the tooth with each flossing action without breaking.


This is a type of water flosser, also called a dental water jet. It works by squirting a bit of water between the teeth under pressure and thus removing plaque. We do advise you use the water pick in conjunction with one of the conventional methods to ensure maximum plaque removal.

Still confused, book an appointment with the hygienist and they will be able to advise you of the best interdental cleaning aids to meet your needs. Call Maidstone Dental & Implant Centre on 01622 682 029 and book an appointment today.

Healthy teeth, healthy heart

Healthy teeth, healthy heart

This February be sure to look after your teeth and gums to help keep your heart healthy!

Study after study have shown that people who have poor oral health (such as gum disease or tooth loss) have higher rates of cardiovascular problems such as heart attack or stroke than people with good oral health.

In this month’s blog we are going to look specifically at the link between gum diseaseand how it can cause or make heart disease worse.

Gum disease, also called periodontal disease, is inflammation of the gums. It can lead to the breakdown of the gums, teeth, and bone tissues that hold them in place. Heart disease refers to a broad set of conditions, including heart attack and stroke. Heart disease is caused by the narrowing or blockage of important blood vessels.Gum diseasemay increase the risk of heart disease because inflammation in the gums and bacteria may eventually lead to narrowing of important arteries.

Gum diseaseis also currently the leading cause of tooth loss in adults in the UK. So, this Valentine’s be sure to make oral hygiene a top priority for a healthy heart and show stopping smile.

Signs of Gum Disease

Healthy teeth, healthy heartThe main signs of gum disease are:

  • Inflammation of the gums, causing them to be red, swollen and to bleed easily
  • An unpleasant taste in your mouth
  • Bad breath
  • Loose teeth
  • Irregular mouth infections


If you notice any of these symptoms you should see your dental team immediately.Regular visits to your dentistcan help with early diagnosis and treatment of gum disease.

Gum diseasewill affect most people at some point in their lives and if treated effectively it should leave no lasting damage. Gum diseaseis caused by a build-up of plaque on the surface of teeth and gums. There are bacteria present in the plaque that have been found to be the leading cause of gum disease.


Normally the first sign you will experience if you have gum diseaseis gums that bleed when you eat or brush your teeth. You may also notice you have bad breath.

At each check-up the dentist will assess your teeth and gums for any sign of gum disease. They will use probes to measure the amount of gum present around the teeth and may take x-rays to determine if there has been any bone loss in your jaw.

Healthy teeth, healthy heartThe dentist will remove the plaque and tartar present on your teeth and will refer you to the hygienistfor ongoing cleanings. The hygienist will also be able to advise you on the best oral hygiene routine to ensure that you remove plaque effectively at home, through tooth brushing and interdental cleaning.

If left untreated gum diseasecan progress to periodontitis. Periodontitis causes the gums to recede and can lead to the loss of bone which anchors the teeth to the jaw. Over time teeth may become loose and even fall out.

So why wait call Maidstone Dental & Implant Centreon 01622 682 029and book an appointment with the dentist or hygienist to ensure that this Valentine’s Day you can smile proud and keep your heart healthy!

What to expect at your new patient consultation!

new patient consultation

We understand that for many patients visiting that dentist can be a nerve wracking and stressful experience. Here at Maidstone Dental & Implant Centre we will always try wherever possible to make your dental visit as stress free as possible and ensure that you feel totally involved in your dental treatment starting with your initial consultation right through until the work is completed.

We set aside 30 minutes for each new patient consultation to allow us to fully examine your teeth and discuss any concerns you have with regard to your teeth.

Prior to your appointment you will be asked to fill in a medical history form. Many aspects of your general health can directly or indirectly affect your oral health. By being aware of any pre-existing health conditions the team at Maidstone Dental & Implant Centre can ensure that you are always provided with the most suitable treatment and will also ensure that we are suitably prepared to manage any medical emergency that may occur appropriately and safely.

The dental nurse will come and collect you from our waiting room.

Once you are comfortably seated in the dental chair you will be given the opportunity to explain your reasons for seeking dental help. This may be because you are experiencing problems with your teeth and gums or have a special occasion looming which means you want your teeth photo ready. Whatever the reason the dentist will be able to take this into account when designing your ideal treatment plan.

Assess your teeth and gums

 new patient consultationThe dentist will then inspect your teeth, gums, and soft tissues. This will include thorough examinations of the facial musculature, the jaw joints, the upper part of the neck, followed by the inside of the mouth including the directly visible throat area, the tongue, the cheeks, the palate, and the floor of the mouth. This will also include an oral cancer assessment. The teeth and the gums will be visually inspected with special dental instruments that might cause some discomfort but usually lasts for a very short time. The better the health of your gums, the less discomfort you may feel. An intra-oral camera will also be used to aid the discussion of the state of your oral health.


X-rays will also normally be taken to assess for any decay present underneath the surfaces or between teeth. Any problems picked up on the x-rays can be shown to you on our digital monitor whilst you are in the dental chair.

All details will be recorded onto our computer system and will provide the basis for your ongoing treatment. By completing a detailed patient assessment, we are able to track your dental health between visits and over time.

We would typically advise you to attend for a routine examination every 6 months, as here at Maidstone Dental & Implant Centre our focus is on preventive dentistry and being proactive with regard to improving oral health. By identifying any problems early, we can reduce the risk of painful toothaches and the amount of treatment needed.

Oral Hygiene Routine

 new patient consultationThe dentist will discuss your oral hygiene routine and recommend oral care products which will best ensure that you remove all the plaque from your teeth. This will normally be a combination of using a fluoride toothpaste twice a day and interdental cleaning aids, floss, or interdental brushes to clean the areas between your teeth at least once a day. They will also talk to you about your diet and how sugar and acid present in fruit juice and fizzy drinks can affect your dental health. A diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables and minerals can help to prevent gum disease and protect against mouth cancer.

Following your appointment, we will, if necessary, provide you with a full and detailed written treatment plan, detailing the various costs of options available to you.

Call Maidstone Dental & Implant Centre on 01622 682 029and book a new patient consultation to find out how we can help you get you smile ready!

Our New Year’s Resolution

New Year’s Resolution

Here at Maidstone Dental & Implant Centre, our new year’s resolution is to help you achieve the smile of your dreams!

A recent survey revealed that 3 in 4 UK adults do not like smiling for the camera. A bright white smile can not only help you to appear younger and more attractive but can also help to improve your confidence and self-esteem. Smile makeovers are performed for many reasons and our dentists will ensure that your treatment plan is tailored to ensure that you achieve the results you are looking for.

What is it that you like or dislike about your smile or your teeth?

Silver or amalgam dental fillingsTooth Colour

Silver or amalgam dental fillings can be replaced with natural, tooth-coloured composite fillings, while teeth whitening can improve the colour of stained or dulled teeth.

Alignment and Spacing

Teeth that are crooked, overlapping or have gaps between them can be straightened and aligned when necessary, through teeth straightening procedures and improved with veneers.

Missing Teeth

One or more missing teeth can negatively affect the appearance of your smile – as well as affect your bite and increase your risk for tooth decay – making replacement an integral part of oral health and facial aesthetics. Missing teeth can be replaced by dental implants, bridges or partial dentures.

Harmony and Balance

Uneven, chipped, and cracked teeth can be cosmetically bonded for an improved appearance, and a gummy smile can be re-contoured to help improve the overall look of the smile.

Fuller Lips, Smile and Cheeks

An un-shapely or ageing face can be improved or rejuvenated with facial aesthetics procedures.

Our fully trained team of dentists at Maidstone Dental & Implant Centre will work closely with you to develop a treatment plan designed to achieve exactly what you want from your smile makeover.

Here at Maidstone Dental & Implant Centre we are able to offer:

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whiteningTeeth whitening can be a very effective way of lightening the natural colour of your teeth without damaging the tooth itself and there are two main forms of treatment available: In surgery teeth whitening and at home teeth whitening.

The darker your teeth, the longer your teeth will take to get lighter, but your dentist will be able to advise you on the expected time frame.

Teeth Straightening

In the past few years there has been a significant increase in the number of adults looking to improve the appearance of their smile using new teeth straightening methods. Here at Maidstone Dental & Implant Centre, we are able to offer Invisalign, Six Month Smiles, Quick Straight Teeth, Social Six, Damon Braces, Lingual Braces and Inman Aligners. So, no matter what the issue, we will have a solution to meet your needs.


VeneersA veneer is a thin layer of porcelain made to fit over the front surface of a tooth. Veneers can improve the colour, shape, and position of your teeth. Veneers should last for many years; but they can chip or break, just as your own teeth can. Your dentist at Maidstone Dental & Implant Centrewill give you an idea of how long each individual veneer should last.

Dental Implants

A dental implant is used to replace a missing tooth by inserting a titanium screw into the bone and placing a crown, bridge or denture over it. The titanium screw fuses with the patient’s bone and provides a solid base on which a restoration can be placed.

Facial Aesthetics

Facial AestheticsAt Maidstone Dental & Implant Centre we are experienced at providing facial and skin care treatments. We provide a wide range of facial aesthetic treatments that are aimed to help you look and feel great again. Facial aesthetics can be used to give you a more youthful and confident appearance easily and painlessly. All of our treatments are carried out by Dr Gill, who has undergone extensive training to qualify in the latest facial aesthetics treatment, ensuring you will always receive the right treatments and products to meet your needs.

Call Maidstone Dental & Implant Centre today on 01622 682 029 to book your consultation and see what our dentists can do to help you achieve your perfect smile.

5 top tips for younger looking skin

5 top tips for younger looking skin

Here at Maidstone Dental & Implant Centre, we are able to offer a wide range of facial aesthetics treatments to help ensure that you are always looking your best no matter what 2022 has in store.

  • Wrinkle Reductions

Wrinkle reduction treatment may help to relax the muscles under the skin so that when you frown or smile, the treated muscles stay relaxed and do not crease the skin. Wrinkle reduction can be used to help improve the appearance of lines on the forehead, round the eyes and eyebrows and in the neck area.

Prior to treatment you will need to attend for a consultation. But once confirmed suitable treatment can be completed in as little as 10 minutes with very few side effects. The full effects of treatment are visible within 2-3 weeks and should last between 3-5 months. After this time repeat treatment will be required.

  • Dermal fillers

Dermal fillersDermal fillers are a popular and versatile treatment, that plumps, volumizes and lifts the skin leaving it smooth, contoured, and youthful.

With dermal fillers, the results are instant, but will improve over the two weeks following treatment and you will be able to return to work or social events immediately, with no visible signs of treatment. Dermal fillers should last around 6-12 months at which point you will need to attend for repeat treatments to maintain the improvement.

  • Lip Enhancement

Lip enhancement treatment is a non-surgical cosmetic treatment procedure aimed at improving the appearance of your lips by adding shape, structure, and volume to them. Lip enhancement treatment is a popular treatment which improves your appearance and boosts your self-esteem.

Lip volume could deplete with age and sometimes wrinkles, and fine lines may appear on your lips giving you a general tired and aged appearance. Lip enhancement treatment are all clinically approved and can help reverse these symptoms safely and quickly.

  • Nose Reshaping

Nose ReshapingThe size and shape of your nose can have a big effect on your overall appearance. It is the central feature of your face, and if it is not in proportion or is hooked or bent, your self-confidence can really suffer.

Non-surgical nose reshaping has become popular in the last 10 years due to the cost and lengthy recovery times required for surgical nose jobs. Non-surgical Rhinoplasty also known as nose reshaping is a medical procedure which involves the altering or reshaping of the nose with injectable fillers. By filling in depressions, smoothing out sharp angles and improving the symmetry of the nose, these injectable fillers can give it a more streamlined appearance without surgery.

The procedure can be performed quickly and easily – it usually takes between fifteen and thirty minutes and results are immediate.

non-surgical nose reshapingThe fillers used in non-surgical nose reshaping are temporary and will be broken down by the body naturally after time. Results last anywhere between 8 – 10 months depending on the type of dermal filler used.

If you would like more information about getting 2022 ready, call Maidstone Dental & Implant Centre on 01622 682 029 and book a consultation today!