Top Dental Emergency Questions Answered


No matter how careful you are, dental emergencies can happen to anyone at any time. In this blog we look at some top questions, to ensure you know what to do should you have a dental emergency.

What is classed as a dental emergency?

Dental emergencies can be split into two main groups.

Visible damage to teeth – teeth can be chipped, cracked, or knocked out, crowns can fall out and fillings can be lost. It can happen while you are playing sport, in a trip or fall or by biting down on something hard such as a nut or something sticky such as a toffee.

Pain – dental pain may be caused by an infection in the tooth or gum or by a cavity or decay exposing the sensitive dentine of the tooth. 


How do I treat a toothache?

If you are suffering with a toothache, rinse your mouth out with warm water. Using interdental cleaning aids, such as floss or interdental brushes, clean between your teeth to remove any trapped food. A cold compress placed on the cheek at the side of the toothache can help to reduce the pain as can over the counter pain killers. 

What do I do if I knock a tooth out?

If a permanent tooth is knocked out by force, with a trip or a fall, it is important that it is replaced into the socket as soon as possible. If the tooth cannot be replaced, keep it within a container of body temperature milk until dental help can be sought. It is important that you get to a dentist as quickly as possible, the best results are seen when a tooth is replaced into the socket within an hour of the accident. 

What do I do if I crack or chip a tooth or lose a filling?

If you crack or chip a tooth, rinse your mouth to remove any remaining loose fragments of teeth to prevent you from swallowing them. It is possible to use sugar free chewing gum to fill the gap caused by a lost filling or chipped tooth as a temporary measure until you can get to an appointment with your dentist.


What do I do if I have a dental emergency over the festive period?

Maidstone Dental & Implant Centre is open as usual in the week leading up to Christmas. If you have a dental emergency in the days preceding Christmas, please contact the surgery on 01622 682 029 and we will endeavour to book you in for treatment as quickly as possible. Should you have a dental emergency over the festive period please ring the surgery on 01622 682 029 and the answerphone message will give you details on how to access emergency treatment. 

All the team at Maidstone Dental & Implant Centre would like to wish our patients a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We look forward to seeing you all in 2021.

Dentist healthy festive teeth wish list


What do you think of when you picture Christmas day? Everyone slumped on the sofa, with their waistbands straining, a large tin of brightly coloured wrapped chocolates, a pile of nutshells or a few empty glasses of your favourite tipple? The festive season is full of fun and indulgence but be aware that all these wonderful culinary delights can put a strain on your dental health.

It is very important to be extra vigilant with your oral health over the festive period, if you want to avoid a dental visit in January. Remember your teeth are under attack from the sugars and acids in our foods for up to an hour every time you eat or drink. With regular snacking during the festivities this may mean that your teeth never really get a chance to recover.

So, the team at Maidstone Dental & Implant Centre have come up with five top tips to keep your teeth looking their best into 2021.


Beware dried fruits

During the drying process, the sugars present in the fruits are concentrated. This means that a holiday favourite such as dates can contain as much as 63g of sugar in every 100g, which can be more than is in some chocolate bars! This is true whether they are eaten individually or in mince pies, Christmas cake or pudding.

Teeth are not tools

Many people end up damaging their teeth as they use them to tear Sellotape, open beer bottles or crack open nuts. Always ensure that you have a pair of scissors, bottle opener and a nut cracker handy, or you may be asking your dentist for a new set of teeth, come January.


Say cheese

Cheese is great for teeth. It helps to return the mouth to its natural pH balance and reduces the risks of tooth decay. That is why an end of dinner cheeseboard is a great idea.

Do not forget your oral hygiene

It is very easy on busy days to forgo your usual routine and just give your teeth a cursory brush before bed. Teeth take a bit of a hammering, with all the chocolates, sugary foods and drinks and alcohol consumed over the festive period so be sure to take the time to:

  • Brush your teeth for at least 2 minutes, twice a day using a fluoride toothpaste
  • Use interdental cleaning aids, such as floss or interdental brushes daily

Moderation in all things

Moderation is definitely the most important thing to remember. Bear in mind that it is not the quantity of sugary food and drink you have, but how often you have them that will affect your oral health. Try to limit sugary foods and drinks to mealtimes wherever possible and drink drinks through a straw to reduce the time the liquid is in contact with your teeth.


2020 has been a year like no other, all the team at Maidstone Dental & Implant Centre would like to take this opportunity to thank all our patients for their continued support and wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We look forward to seeing you all in 2021. Should you have any dental problems during the festive period do not hesitate to contact the surgery on 01622 682 029 for details of our out of hours emergency cover.

Teeth Whitening


Teeth whitening can be a very effective way of lightening the natural colour of your teeth without causing any damage to the teeth and surrounding tissues. Teeth whitening can help to improve the appearance of your teeth if they have darkened over time or become stained through food, drink or smoking. Teeth whitening however will not change the colour of crowns, bridges and dentures so if you have any dental restorations you may well have to have them replaced if you are looking to drastically change the colour of your natural teeth.

At your consultation appointment the dentist will assess you to determine whether you are suitable for teeth whitening and will be able to give you an idea of the results you can hope to expect. The correct treatment for you will depend on cost and lifestyle factors, with the treatment that can best fit into your schedule and provide the best results. Prior to any treatment the dentist may advise that you have an appointment with the hygienist this will ensure that any surface staining or plaque and calculus build ups are removed. This will ensure the best possible results from your teeth whitening treatment.

There are two main forms of teeth whitening that can either be used independently or together to get the best possible results.

1. In Chair Teeth whitening

This will be completed in the dental surgery. Whitening gel will be applied to the teeth either directly or by placing it in custom made whitening trays. This will then be activated using a special light. This process may be repeated two or three times in an hour sessionand you will be able to see a difference in the colour of your teeth immediately.

2. At home Teeth whitening

The dentist will take impressions of your teeth and will have custom made whitening trays created. You will then be given the whitening solution to put into the trays when you are at home. This treatment has the advantage of allowing you to fit treatment around your schedule. The length of time you need to wear the trays will vary dependent on the solution that the dentist prescribes, it can be anywhere from 30 minutes, to eight hours while you sleep. You would normally expect to see results within three to four weeks although this will depend on the depth of the staining and discolouration present on your teeth.


The effects of teeth whitening would be expected to last for a couple of years, but we would normally advise that you have a top up every year to keep your teeth looking bright.

If you would like more information on our teeth whitening treatments or to book an appointment please call Maidstone Dental and Implant Centre today on 01622 682 029 or go to our website request an appointment

Maidstone Dental & Implant Centre – Your Local Emergency Dentist in Maidstone


If you feel that you need emergency dental treatment during the working week, contact us at , Maidstone Dental and Implant Centre, emergency dentists in Maidstone as soon as possible and we will arrange for you to be seen in one of our emergency slots.

If you have a problem out of hours please still call the surgery and there will be a message on the answer phone of how you can receive emergency treatment.

You may require urgent treatment if you have:

A toothache or swelling

This is one of the most common reasons patients seek emergency dental treatment and there are a number of different causes.


Pain is often caused by an infection within the root of the tooth. If this is the case the dentist will aim to drain the infection and may prescribe antibiotics to help remove any remaining infection.

You will need to attend for further treatment so a permenant solution can be found. It may be necessary to have a filling, root canal treatment or if it is not possible to save the tooth it will need to be extracted.

Trauma to the face, mouth of teeth following an injury or accident

It is possible that some of the teeth may become loose, crack or chip and if this is the case it is advisable that you see your dentist so that a full assessment can be carried out.

A permanent tooth knocked out


If a permanent tooth is knocked out by direct force it may still be possible to reposition the tooth. Where possible replace the tooth in the socket immediately and seek dental treatment straight away. If there is the potential for the tooth to be swallowed, keep it in a container of body temperature milk. Ensure that the milk is not cold, if it is this will shock the tooth and make in unviable.

Bleeding following an extraction that does not stop or a dry socket

Following a tooth extraction there is the potential for the socket to continue to bleed if the blood does not clot properly. This is most likely to occur in patients who are taking blood thinning medication such a warfarin and aspirin. In these cases it may be necessary for sutures to be used to hold the socket together. These will naturally dissolve after a week or so and just allow the gum more time to heal.

It is also possible if the blood does not clot properly for an infection to develop in the extraction site, this is known as a dry socket. If this happens it can be extremely painful and may smell quite unpleasant. This can be treated by using a warm saline solution to clean the area and then packing the socket with an antibacterial dressing. The site will need to be cleaned regularly to reduce the chance of any further infection.

A broken tooth or lost filling

A broken tooth or lost filling may cause pain because of the sharp tooth edges left behind and because the underlying dentine may be exposed. It is also possible the broken tooth or lost filling may cause aesthetic problems if it is noticeable when you talk or smile.

There are a number of treatment options then available, the tooth may be re-filled, crowned, have root canal treatment or if the prognosis is poor it may need to be extracted. The your dentist will be able to discuss all the possible options with you before you make the decision on how you would like to proceed.

01622 682 029

If you feel that you need emergency dental treatment during the working week, contact us at Maidstone Dental and Implant Centre, emergency dentists in Maidstone, on 01622 682 029 ,as soon as possible and we will arrange for you to be seen in one of our emergency slots.

If you have a problem out of hours please still call the surgery and there will be a message on the answer phone of how you can receive emergency dental treatment.

Mouth Cancer Action Month


This November Maidstone Dental & Implant Centre are proud supporters of the Oral Health Foundation’s Mouth Cancer Action Month.

Currently mouth cancer is one of the few cancers experts predict will see an increase in diagnosis over the coming years. Mouth cancer is currently the 16th most common cancer in the UK, but still many people are unaware of the factors that put them at risk of developing the disease.

Mouth Cancer Risk Factors

Although mouth cancer can affect anybody, and is strongly associated with the age and gender of a person, around 91% of all diagnosis are linked to lifestyle factors. This means that by amending our lifestyle choices, we can cut the chances of developing mouth cancer.



  • Most mouth cancer cases continue to be linked to smoking tobacco.
  • Each cigarette transforms saliva so that it can damage cells in the mouth and can turn them cancerous.
  • Smoking increase your risk of developing mouth cancer by three times compared to non-smokers.
  • Smoking cigars and pipes increases this risk further.
  • Smokeless tobacco use can increase the risk of developing mouth cancer by 15 times.
  • By quitting smoking, you can help to reduce your risk of developing the disease by more than a third. Another great reason to kick the habit!


Alcohol Consumption

  • One third of mouth cancer cases are linked to drinking alcohol to excess.
  • The key is excess! An occasional glass of wine is not a problem, drinking a bottle in an evening is.

Human Papillomavirus

  • The human papillomavirus (HPV) is estimated to overtake smoking as the number one cause of mouth cancer in the future.
  • HPV is very common and almost every sexually active person will get HPV at some time in their lives.
  • 90% of HPV infections go away by themselves
  • Sometime HPV infections can persist and cause abnormal tissue growth and other changes to cells, which can cause cancer.
  • Limiting the number of partners, you have and practising safe sex will help to reduce the risk.

Environmental factors

Environmental factors

  • Second-hand or environmental tobacco smoke can increase your risk of developing mouth cancer by 87%, even if you have never smoked yourself.
  • Poor diet can also be linked to more than half of cases. A diet rich in fruit and vegetables will not only keep your body fit and healthy, it will also help to reduce your risk of developing mouth cancer

More than 2,000 people lose their life to mouth cancer every year in the UK. It claims more lives than cervical and testicular cancer combined. The key to improving survival rates is early detection, with 90% of people surviving for more than five years if the cancer is detected early.

If in doubt, get it checked out!

If you are concerned about any changes you have noticed in your mouth do not hesitate to contact Maidstone Dental & Implant Centre on 01622 682 029 and book an appointment.

Bruxism: Are you harming your teeth while you sleep?

Bruxism 01

Have you been told that you grind your teeth in your sleep? Do you suffer from chronic headaches or jaw pain because you clench your teeth? If so, a custom night guard might be the answer.

What Is Bruxism?

Bruxism is the medical term for grinding or clenching your teeth and jaws. Grinding refers to moving the jaw back and forth. Clenching refers to biting down with excessive force for long periods of time. Bruxism is a common condition and normally occurs during sleep or times of stress. Most people do not even know that they grind their teeth in their sleep until they are told by their sleep partner or dentist.

Bruxism 02

Over time, grinding your teeth in your sleep causes extensive damage to the structure and enamel of the teeth, which can lead to decay and increased sensitivity. It can also cause headaches, disrupt your sleep, and cause pain in the jaw, face, and neck.

What Is Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome?

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) syndrome refers to problems affecting the function of the muscles of the jaw or the temporomandibular joint that connects the jaw to the skull. Injuries to the jaw and bruxism are common causes of temporomandibular joint syndrome. Symptoms include:

  • Pain or tenderness in the face, jaw, neck, shoulders, or around the ear
  • Difficulty chewing or opening the mouth wide
  • A popping or clicking sound when you open or close your mouth
  • A jaw that seems to get stuck or locked in a position
  • Swelling on the side of the face

What Is a Custom Night Guard?

A night guard looks similar to the trays used for teeth whitening and sits over the teeth to protect them from grinding or clenching. A teeth protector for sleeping does not actually stop you from clenching or grinding your teeth; however, it does shield and cushion the teeth from excessive wear and helps re-establish the natural space between the upper and lower teeth.

Bruxism 03

Although a night guard is not the only treatment for bruxism or temporomandibular joint pain, it is an affordable, convenient, and non-invasive treatment option. A properly fitted night guard shifts the jaw and teeth into proper alignment, which can alleviate jaw tension, headaches, pain, and other symptoms of temporomandibular joint syndrome.

Why Is It Important to Get a Mouth Guard for Jaw Clenching?

Ignoring your bruxism symptoms can lead to serious dental issues requiring expensive treatments. For example, bruxism is a leading cause of root canal treatment. Individuals who grind their teeth can experience up to 2 millimetres of enamel erosion by their 20s, which increases the risk for cavities. Jaw clenching can subject the jaw and teeth to as much as 40 minutes of massive force per hour, which can set the stage for jaw and muscle pain.

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At Maidstone Dental & Implant Centre, we strive to make your visit as comfortable and stress-free as possible. If you are experiencing tooth damage, jaw pain, or other symptoms of bruxism, call today to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced dentists. If your dentist determines that your issues are caused by teeth grinding or clenching, we will help you find the right night guard or bruxism treatment for you. Call us today at 01622 682 029 to book your appointment.

Invisalign – Caring for your braces


With more and more people opting for Invisalign teeth straightening procedures to improve the appearance of their teeth.

The team at Maidstone Dental and Implant Centre have some top tips to ensure that your aligners have the best possible care.

Good Oral Hygiene

Although Invisalign aligners are removable, you will still need to ensure that you brush your teeth and clean interdentally after every meal, prior to replacing your aligner.

This may seem tedious or excessive, but neglecting your oral hygiene can lead to serious oral health problems such as gum disease and tooth decay, or cause unsightly staining on your teeth. Taking good care of your aligners is essential for avoiding complications while you are wearing them and to ensure that you end up with great-looking teeth once you’re not! No matter how much money, pain, and time you’ve already invested in Invisalign, proper oral care is still the key to walking away with a beautiful, healthy smile.


Clean Your Aligners

Ideally, you should be cleaning your Invisalign aligners each time you brush your teeth. Remember, that any plaque or food particles will also sit on your teeth if you don’t practice good dental hygiene, regardless of whether you’re wearing a brace or not. So don’t fall into the trap of thinking your teeth are protected from tooth decay when wearing Invisalign aligners.

Rinse your aligners every night and brush them gently with your toothbrush to keep them fresh and clean and use the Invisalign cleaning system to keep your aligners clear. Under no circumstances should you soak your Invisalign aligners in mouthwash. With so many mouthwashes on the market each containing different chemicals, it would be impossible to advise on what is safe and what isn’t. Most mouthwashes also contain a coloured pigment, which may transfer onto the invisible brace leaving you with a strange tinted brace.

Routine Dental Appointments

It is also important that you attend for your dental appointments. These will normally be scheduled every four to eight weeks and allow the dentist to closely monitor your treatment. If you miss appointments your treatment will be extended and take much longer to complete.

Get Repairs Quickly

If you break or lose your Invisalign aligners, it is very important that you attend an appointment with your dentist as quickly as possible. While your aligners are lost or damaged your teeth can start to move back into their original position, increasing your treatment time.

If you have any questions or would like more help and advice on caring for your Invisalign aligners do not hesitate to ask the dentist on your next visit to the surgery. Call Maidstone Dental and Implant Centre today on 01622 682 029 and book a consultation.

Dental Implants

Over the past few years there has been a large increase in the number of people turning to dental implants to fill gaps caused by missing teeth. Dental implants are used to support one of more false teeth; this could be in the form of a crown, a bridge or dentures.

The team at Maidstone Dental and Implant Centre, cosmetic dentists in Maidstone have been placing dental implants on patients for a number of years and have hundreds of happy clients who have been able to regain their smile. Dental implants are a safe and well-established treatment and are currently the closest possible replacement to having your own teeth back again. Provided they are looked after, dental implants provide a long term solution and should last for many years.


Prior to any treatment you will need to attend for a consultation appointment. At this appointment, the dentist will perform a full examination of your mouth and take x-rays to assess the level of bone present in your jaw. If you do not have enough bone or the bone is not healthy enough it may not be possible to proceed with dental implants without first having a bone graft.

Most dental implant surgery is complete under local anaesthetic; this means that you will be awake and aware of what is going on during treatment. If you are very nervous the dentist may prescribe a mild sedative to help keep you calm during your appointment. Placing a dental implant is often easier than taking the tooth out was initially. You may experience some discomfort in the week following surgery, but this should be easily managed with over the counter pain killers.

It will normally take 3-4 months from the placement of the screw into your jaw for the dentist to be able to start the restoration. This ensures the bone has time to heal fully around the titanium screw securing it in place.

Once the site has healed fully the dentist will be able to form the crown, a bridge or dentures to fit over the screw and fill any gaps. It is not always necessary to have one dental implant for every missing tooth, your dentist will be able to advise on the ideal placement of any dental implants to give the best retention for any restoration. Once in place the restorations will match closely the natural colour of your teeth so no-one will know that you have missing teeth.


Looking after your dental implants should be no more difficult than looking after your natural teeth. However, the dentist may advise that you attend for more regular hygienist appointments to ensure that the dental implants stay free of plaque and calculus build up.

If you do not care for your dental implants properly there is a risk of developing gum disease can affect the stability of the dental implant and in the long term if left untreated can cause the dental implant to fail.

At Maidstone Dental and Implant Centre we are able to offer high quality dental implants with our specialist Dental Implant and Oral Surgery Team.

Call us on 01622 682 029 to book in for a dental implant consultation today and start your journey to your ideal smile.

Top tips to keep your teeth looking their best after teeth straightening

Good dental care is just as important after your braces are off as while you’re wearing them. It is very important to help ensure that your teeth stay looking great.

At Maidstone Dental & Implant Centre, we have some tips for what you can do in the months and years after your braces are removed.

Get a thorough clean and check up

If you’ve had braces, you know how difficult it can be to brush and floss well. The longer you’ve had your braces, the more likely it is that plaque and stains have accumulated and settled on your teeth. A professional dental cleaning with the hygienist is the best way to remove them, and there’s no better time for a thorough cleaning and exam than right after braces.

Now that your teeth are beautifully straight, let us get them sparkling clean and stain-free!

Oral Hygiene

Ensure that you have in place an effective oral hygiene routine. You should brush your teeth at least twice a day using a fluoride toothpaste and use interdental cleaning aids such as floss, tape or interdental brushes to clean the 40% of tooth surfaces that brushing alone cannot reach. This ensures that you remove food particles that can become trapped between teeth. If left these provide a food source for bacteria and in the long term can lead to tooth decay and gum disease.

Wear your retainer as directed

Our teeth have a natural tendency to move back to their original position after a teeth straightening procedure. In fact, your teeth are at the biggest risk of moving back in the first few weeks and months after your braces come off.

Your retainer keeps your teeth in their new, aligned position. Always wear your retainer as instructed. It is also important to clean your retainers at least once a day. You don’t want to put a bacteria-filled retainer back into a freshly-brushed mouth.

Consider Teeth Whitening

After all your patience and hard work, professional teeth whitening is a great way to put that sparkle back into your smile. Teeth whitening can help to add the finishing touch to your new smile.

Maintain your beautiful smile

Most people get braces because they want a healthy, beautiful smile. Good dental care during and after teeth straightening can help you achieve that. That’s why it’s so important to get regular cleanings and talk to your dentist about any concerns you may have.

For more information about caring for your teeth following teeth straightening, talk to your Maidstone Dental & Implant Centre dentist at your next appointment. Call today on 01622 682 029 to book your appointment.

Frequently asked questions about dental implants

In this month’s blog we look to answer the most frequently asked questions about dental implants.

What are dental implants?

A dental implant is made up of three parts. A small titanium screw is inserted into the jaw bone, an abutment is then attached to this and then a crown, bridge or denture is placed on top, depending on the number of teeth to be replaced.

How successful are dental implants?

Dental implants have a 95% success rate, but as with any dental procedure there are risks associated.

Are dental implants always suitable?

Dental implants success are dependent on you having sufficient healthy jaw bone, meaning they are not suitable for patients with advanced gum disease or those that smoke. At Maidstone Dental & Implant Centre we will perform a thorough assessment to determine your suitability for dental implants.

Is there an age limit for dental implants?

There is no age limit for dental implants. You would just need to attend for an assessment with one of our dentists.

Is the procedure painful?

Treatment will be carried out under a local anaesthetic. Though the local anaesthetic injections can sting a little,once you are numb, you will not feel anything sharp or painful at all throughout your treatment. You will feel some pressing and pushing during the procedure as well as some vibration during the drilling stage, but this will not be sharp or painful in any way and your dentist will check to make sure you are completely numb before starting the surgery.

Are dental implants expensive?

It is perfectly normal to consider carefully the cost of any large expenditure. Dental implants are an investment in your dental health and it is down to each individual patient to decide if the improvements to quality of life, function, confidence, and appearance are worthwhile. We only ever prescribe treatment that is necessary and will always aim to offer alternatives to any dental implant treatment.

How long will treatment take?

If the treatment is straightforward, it can be a little as eight to ten weeks from placement of the implant to fit of the final crown. However, sometimes treatment can take longer depending on the level of complexity of your case, with some patients not finishing for up to a year. The exact time frame will be ascertained from your assessment at Maidstone Dental & Implant Centre.

What are the benefits of dental implants?

  • Dental implants are fixed in place and are currently the closest possible restoration to having your natural teeth back.
  • Dental implants will not slip or move and remove the need for adhesives.
  • Dental implants are self-supporting and do not damage the surrounding healthy teeth
  • Dental implants are long lasting and should last for at least 10 years

How do I care for my dental implants?

Dental implants can be cared for in the same way as your natural teeth. It is important to brush twice a day and use interdental cleaning aids daily. You will also need to attend for regular review appointments with your dentist.

If you would like some more information on whether dental implants can help replace your missing teeth, call Maidstone Dental & Implant Centre on 01622 682 029 and book an appointment today.